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my bedroom is still flooded with the smell of your sweet perfume

Burberry goddess everything is better when i sit next to you 

pillowcase inundates my whole brain with memories

if i were to say i miss you it’s an understatement

safe to say that i think i think about you too much for my own good

crazy to say i stare at your name inside my phone book

my fault, love, for being a daydreamer 

Darling forgive me, I'm an over-thinker

Our dialogue plays in my mind like a stop motion picture

Might be closer to a Pollock painting

the madness is fascinating 

there's always beauty waiting

just gotta step back, focus, appreciate it

we just need be patient 

everything in its divine time

gotta let it mature like some fine wine

my heart's wide open, i'm wondering how to give you the ocean




Nine Eight

February 1st 2025

it’s crazy how i can feel your heartbeat from 879 miles away

it’s crazy how the universe placed you at arm’s length 

and just out of my sight

until the clock stuck midnight 

this fairytale i’ve read about a thousand times

i’ve even got the ending memorized

yet i’m scared to become the main character

i am unsure of what the next chapter will bring

because the different tragedies i’ve lived

but still i find peace in your voice

your soft whisper speaks to my soul

come, come to me love

gently you guide me through 

this forest where i planted my seeds of doubt 

lead me to the ocean where i jump in after you

the cold water feels like a Sunday afternoon 

as i start to sink you reach out and grab my hand

stop me from drowning, show me how to walk on water

we make our way through the waves to the promised land

our very own sunflower paradise, peace

like i can’t describe, we burn bright 

you are the full moon in the vast black sky

how do you do it?

you are the muse in my music

your therapeutic influence

helped me clear all the confusion 

i am not lost anymore 

i’ve lost count of the times i’ve reread your letters

poems where you poured the pieces of your heart out

i’ll spend the rest of my life putting the puzzle back together 

is it too early to talk about forever?

i don’t think so, here grab my hand

let’s explore see if this rabbit hole leads us to wonderland

i love you more than even i think i can understand 

My Soul Yearns

January 31st 2025

The silence between us is so loud

I can't hear myself think

All I hear is the echoes of the past we shared

The memories replaying in my head

Persistent like a used car salesman

The wounds won't close

because of the depth of your words on my heart

It still bleeds love for you...

After all of this calamity, it still longs for you

My soul yearns for yours to sit beside it

My skin yearns for your warm, soft touch

Through this all I would still love you


and come to your voice at the drop of a hat

All you have to do is ask

My love



January 21st 2025

I hate when my brain wakes up before I do

Like why at 4am do you want to replay my whole life like a movie

I just want to get some rest, but there are some scenes that need to be analyzed

lines that need to be rewritten for the story to make sense

maybe then I'll be able to get more than 1.75hrs of sleep

maybe... just maybe the final product will need to be delayed for some reshoots

trying to find the plot holes that gave the test audience an issue

until then the script will be a work in progress

just waiting for the director to yell ACTION and the story can continue


August 5th 2024

oh, why do you evade me? 

moments fleeting

fading in an out of existence 

could i have been so evil in my past life

to not experience even a glance 

let alone a smirk or warmth of your smile

it’s all i ever wanted, yet it terrifies me

i wonder what you really hide behind those eyes

do you intend to be pure? or just here for the party?

the scars from last time still burn when i walk

was it really you who cut so deep?

or just someone i thought could fill your role

doppelgänger did damage

cast a shadow that blocks even the brightest star

one that follows me around every room

blocking out things that don’t fit it’s narrative

making me question my own judgement

the silence it leaves me in is deadly loud

a cacophony of sound 

orchestra of noise, i can’t find your voice

i just wanna run

run until my feet swell up

run until my knee seizes 

let me lay down on the pavement 

find solace where the lane splits

shit, i hear footsteps

oh there you are, 

holding out your hand help me up

i just had to be patient enough to know

you’d find me again in this lifetime 

Untitled #37

February 28th 2024

When do i stop watering this tree in hopes it would bear fruit

are the hopes that i may eat from its branches strong enough to keep me going

because quite frankly my well is running dry

i wonder if the tree is rooted to an different stream

but when i leave for a day the branches start to die


January 2021

You are a beautiful being

look into your eyes as you spread your wings 

and fly away into outer space

it was my mistake, thinking you could stay

but what can I say? it's best this way

as I sit and meditate

to not get lost in the cacophony of the jungle, that is my mental

where you seem to fly around and never settle

where I might have built you a temple

where the stairs up are littered with rose and sunflower petals

it'll be a while before I find the words to fit the words to fit your instrumental

when you let go of something you love it's supposed to help yourself grow...


December 3rd 2020

Oh what I would do to eat the fruit from that tree again

Feel the cool embrace of the shade when the sun fried my skin

Listen as the wind blew through the branches and told me the world's secrets

Sit on the strong roots that it had attached to the Earth

Observe as the critters sang from their nests in a chaotic harmony

The quiet roar of their mixed voices created a euphony

that brought me peace, even when the hurricane hit

But all that changed in an instant

The silent explosion of horror rang in my ears

Like the first sound of thunder in a hailstorm

I saw you had built a house on the very spot where the tree once stood

Our tree once stood...

A house in which I could not live 

And would just have to watch as you planted a forest with someone else...

Right beside where my tree once stood

Yours Truly

September 20th 2020

I am not very good at this game

I don't know what the pieces do

Don't understand how to make a move

It's driving me a little bit insane


Yet you perfectly understand the cadence

You did set the board after all

And invited me over to participate

Eagerly awaiting my response


I don't really like this game now that I know the patterns

And realize I was set up to lose from the start

Yet, I still played along with hopes that it would be different this time

My naivety got the better of me


You stood up and walked away when you got bored

That was a flash decision, gave me some whiplash

I thought that we should finish this

I want to know who the winner is


We should have written a play instead

At least then I'd know what my role is 

And I'd be able to do what I do best

Act like I don't give a shit


Pretend like nothing phases me

Even though it's just me being stoic

Knowing I'm dying inside

Feels like I've been buried alive


This is my brain being poetic

Because your touch is where my medicine is

It's the penicillin that I ain't have in a minute

Which turned to hours, days, weeks, months


Speaking of turns, isn't it your move to make now?

Sorry, I got distracted and hella spaced out

Is it just the Wires in the Way now?

The reason that I'm Still Blue?


I don't really know but 

I've just been dealing with a whole lot of bullshit on my end

It just seems to be all for life's amusement

I need your help sorting through the confusion


Just some patience, understanding while I'm on the edge of losing

Need a second of peace, but the world won't stop moving

Like the hands on this clock that I can't rewind

Maybe all we need right now is time

Sunflower (Paradise)

July 11th 2020

The sun painted the sky a soft peach color

How it set on your skin made me forget for a sec that time exists

Or rather, remember how much time you spend in it

you make my heart beat in rhythms i didn’t know were possible 

you don’t understand your power

Grace and beauty like a wild sunflower

You see, truly, I could explore that field for hours

As I snap back to the moment, our eyes lock and we light up

Your smile, you can’t contain it, like being told your first secret as a child

never underestimate the universe because it let you just waltz into my life

And allowed you to win me over in 3 nights and 4 days

that’s me exaggerating but you broke me down quickly

Now in this world nothing will ever be the same

Did we just stumble into paradise?

See the blessings, count them twice

Let me hold you close, while we stare at the horizon

Step away from the shore, there could be a riptide 

Ask me anything, i am an open book for you to explore 

Analyze every chapter, until the one where life introduced you

Because how the rest goes is a mystery or rather

We can choose our own adventure and not fold under the pressure

i’ll finish this novel despite all of its imperfections

all of the plot holes and contradictions

could never measure to our connection

but hold on,

 we don’t have to rush though 

take everything super slow, 

cuz we like watching the flowers grow

the storms may come but the raindrops fall off the petals

we can listen to them while they hit the ground

see how they nourish our garden and new roses color the background 

there’s never a dull moment when you’re around

you add the rainbow to these skies that have been so monotone

i would know, yeah, i would know 

because i’ve been staring at this blank canvas for too long

hoping to be inspired by the passing clouds

watching how the grey gradates to light blue and pastel yellow and pink

then i sit back and think

reminiscing on how you drank that cherry wine

but i preferred your orange liqueur

damn, i am addicted and would probably drown in it given the opportunity

right now it’s just you and me taking on whatever obstacles the world throws at us

step by step we march forth even if we get lost like the hebrews in the desert 

we don’t have to know where we are going,

only sure that we are walking the same way

with you by my side ain’t a thing that’s gon make me break

so why don’t you stay a little while?

we can truly explore this paradise together

see how far past the horizon it really goes

Background Photo Courtesy of Robyn Lynn Photography.

Look at more of her work here: @robynlynnphotography

© 2020 by thearchitectflo

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